Monday, 27 May 2013

William Orbit World - trailer

William Orbit World - Trailer
Loving William Orbit world - and a reminder of a most amazing show I photographed at Shunt, London, with Anna-Mi Fredriksson and Pauline Amos dancing and painting.

Monday, 13 May 2013

The one thing you need to succeed

Kevin Daum on the foundations of a successful business
(Photo by Mi Elfverson)

So what is the ONE thing we need to have, to succeed with our business. This is what we all ask ourselves as start up companies, entrepreneurs, mumpreneurs, dadpreneurs, anyone who´s running their own business.

Some people say "it´s passion!" you got to be passionate to drive your business forward. Some people say "you´ve got to work hard to succeed". And some may say "you´ve got to network".

Well, Kevin Daum just taught us the only true thing you´ve got to have if you really want your business to succeed. And it´s none of the above.

You need a good business model. If you don´t have your business model and structure in place, none of the above will help.

But the good thing is, that when you have your business model in place - all of the rest will come automatically. You will find the passion, enjoy working hard and go out networking and make your business a very successful one.

And on the way, it may help if you tattoo "New York Times Best seller" on your chest back to front, just as a little bit of an encouragement when you see yourself in the mirror every morning, for the rest of your life...

Great design should empower, amuse and delight!

Aral Balkan: Great design should empower, amuse and delight

TED Talk

I really like Aral Balkan, he´s just got it right. And he lives in Brighton, a hub for design and creative development. So I hope he can shape the future a bit for us, better than the ticket machine designers in Stockholm.

Design should be helpful and fun, not a struggle and frustrating.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

No-nonsense is the business

Kevin Daum - Speaker, marketer, Hit columnist, Bestselling author of 5 books...

So after almost a week with Kevin, I feel like I´ve been on some sort of a brain marathon. He can´t stop talking and I can´t stop listening - what a bloody good combination!

Much appreciated talk at The Quadrant in Brighton, ROAR, where 14 local businesses also couldn´t stop listening to this crazy no-nonsens American.

Not everyone was happy about having to take three minutes to prepare a pitch, but all were turned to appreciation, when Kevin guided us back to the right path and the perfect pitch.

We met with several people in the days to follow to talk through their business models and marketing strategies.

I now need to do something just hands-on rather than brains-on for a while.

And then I will return with some tips from the week.