Thursday, 19 September 2013

Brothers among Wera

Brothers among Wera "Walz"
Live, Ivar Lo´s Park, Stockholm
Filmed by Anton Näslund, Sandro Arcos Famme

Today I´m blogging a little bit of history and a little bit of future.
You see, this little girl was one of my first jobs when I moved away from home. Her name was Wera, and still is. She had a very special voice already back then, when I was changing her nappies and trying to feed her greens. She had a voice of a singer, I was convinced. Maybe soul, jazz, something special.

And now to the future. Because I think you´re able to get a glimpse of something that will be very big in the future, right here. Either way, brothers or sisters among Wera are very lucky to be here, because her voice is still very special and a singer she is!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Fire bomb in the sky at Brighton sunset

Sunset in Brighton 15th Sept 2013

There was nothing special by the sea when I got down there, but I wanted to do a time lapse, so I set up anyway. 
I thought I´d capture the pier as it got darker and the lights went on, but I turned around and saw a streak of sun behind me. I set the camera to cover the West pier as well as the street lights, and let the camera click away. 
After a while, a blood red sun reappeared over the horizon and the sky just exploded like from a fire bomb. Most people didn´t even see it, it was so unexpected and lasted only a short while. I was so lucky to capture it.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Things being destroyed very slowly

Tempus II
Shot on the Photron SA1.1
Directed and produced by Philip Heron and James Adair.

Amazing video of items being destroyed very slowly...

Talking of loneliness

How to be alone
By Tanya Davis

In no connection to my last blog post at all, but I just like this very simple poetic video by Tanya Davis about how to practice being alone. I like the animations too.
We are quite afraid of it, aren´t we? I like going to the movies alone, but I don´t like eating alone at a restaurant, not even having a coffee by myself, unless I look extremely tied up doing something massively important - like checking my Twitter account. I really don´t like having a drink by myself. Spending far too many years as a blond single woman in foreign countries, the repercussions have been too severe.
I do like being alone. But I don´t like feeling lonely.

Friday, 13 September 2013

I share, therefore I am.

The innovation of loneliness, by Shimi Cohen
Living through Social Media

I think this is the most exciting time to live in ever really. We have everything we could ever ask for. As well as nature, simplicity and friends, we can choose to live with an abundance of exciting technology and efficient electronics. How easily we can get in touch with each other now, how simple it is to stay connected with family abroad, friends in foreign countries and how cheap it is to communicate! We love it! Because if you didn´t - you wouldn´t be on here, reading this!

Unfortunately, a lot of people keep complaining about all this. They think we´ve stopped talking to each other and become lonely. But wait a minute - who has? Have you stopped talking to your friends? Have you stopped your own thoughts and adapted to some sort of general Social Media mass brains, where you only copy and paste whatever is coming in through your own personal account, without any selection, without any connection to your own thoughts?
Or are we actually just streamlining our own personality, identifying what our true interests and passions are, and finding a great way of expressing this by sharing it with our friends?

I would suggest if someone is feeling lonely due to social media, it´s because they´re outside the network, they don´t actually use it as intended, they don´t want to share their thoughts, taste and identity - and therefore - you would be lonely, because you won´t have anyone "talking to you!". You make yourself a social media outsider, an observer, a loner without your own identity. To gain from social media, you need to give. It´s in the word, from the Latin "allies" - you become part of an allied force that will communicate by giving - and taking.

I can assure you that I don´t repost most of the posts in my accounts, because either I disagree with them, or they are naff or they are of absolutely no interest to me. But when I repost something - it´s because it´s something that has resonated with me. Something that has drawn my interest, something that has made me laugh, got me curious or something that has helped me understand the world a bit better.
It´s by choice I do this - not because of group pressure. 
I post a lot of my photos and of course I don´t post the ones I don´t like or aren´t happy with. But I don´t meet up with my friends without having a shower and doing my hair very often either. It doesn´t make sense to say that it´s bad selecting the way we want to present ourselves online to me - it makes the same sense as choosing a specific top when we´re meeting someone.
I haven´t stopped seeing people because of my activity online. I´ve made more friends, made more connections, and met with more people I would ever have met, if I had been sitting at home, waiting for someone to knock on my door to ask if I wanted to have a coffee with them.
Being connected online is for me - as a foreigner abroad, as a small business owner, as a busy mum - a marvellous way to stay in touch and get connected. It doesn´t change the way I am - I´d like to see it as it verifies the way I am! Never has it been easier for people to express their inner feelings, taste and identity - we are free, our minds are liberated, our identities are stronger and we are NOT lonely!!