Thursday, 19 September 2013

Brothers among Wera

Brothers among Wera "Walz"
Live, Ivar Lo´s Park, Stockholm
Filmed by Anton Näslund, Sandro Arcos Famme

Today I´m blogging a little bit of history and a little bit of future.
You see, this little girl was one of my first jobs when I moved away from home. Her name was Wera, and still is. She had a very special voice already back then, when I was changing her nappies and trying to feed her greens. She had a voice of a singer, I was convinced. Maybe soul, jazz, something special.

And now to the future. Because I think you´re able to get a glimpse of something that will be very big in the future, right here. Either way, brothers or sisters among Wera are very lucky to be here, because her voice is still very special and a singer she is!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Fire bomb in the sky at Brighton sunset

Sunset in Brighton 15th Sept 2013

There was nothing special by the sea when I got down there, but I wanted to do a time lapse, so I set up anyway. 
I thought I´d capture the pier as it got darker and the lights went on, but I turned around and saw a streak of sun behind me. I set the camera to cover the West pier as well as the street lights, and let the camera click away. 
After a while, a blood red sun reappeared over the horizon and the sky just exploded like from a fire bomb. Most people didn´t even see it, it was so unexpected and lasted only a short while. I was so lucky to capture it.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Things being destroyed very slowly

Tempus II
Shot on the Photron SA1.1
Directed and produced by Philip Heron and James Adair.

Amazing video of items being destroyed very slowly...

Talking of loneliness

How to be alone
By Tanya Davis

In no connection to my last blog post at all, but I just like this very simple poetic video by Tanya Davis about how to practice being alone. I like the animations too.
We are quite afraid of it, aren´t we? I like going to the movies alone, but I don´t like eating alone at a restaurant, not even having a coffee by myself, unless I look extremely tied up doing something massively important - like checking my Twitter account. I really don´t like having a drink by myself. Spending far too many years as a blond single woman in foreign countries, the repercussions have been too severe.
I do like being alone. But I don´t like feeling lonely.

Friday, 13 September 2013

I share, therefore I am.

The innovation of loneliness, by Shimi Cohen
Living through Social Media

I think this is the most exciting time to live in ever really. We have everything we could ever ask for. As well as nature, simplicity and friends, we can choose to live with an abundance of exciting technology and efficient electronics. How easily we can get in touch with each other now, how simple it is to stay connected with family abroad, friends in foreign countries and how cheap it is to communicate! We love it! Because if you didn´t - you wouldn´t be on here, reading this!

Unfortunately, a lot of people keep complaining about all this. They think we´ve stopped talking to each other and become lonely. But wait a minute - who has? Have you stopped talking to your friends? Have you stopped your own thoughts and adapted to some sort of general Social Media mass brains, where you only copy and paste whatever is coming in through your own personal account, without any selection, without any connection to your own thoughts?
Or are we actually just streamlining our own personality, identifying what our true interests and passions are, and finding a great way of expressing this by sharing it with our friends?

I would suggest if someone is feeling lonely due to social media, it´s because they´re outside the network, they don´t actually use it as intended, they don´t want to share their thoughts, taste and identity - and therefore - you would be lonely, because you won´t have anyone "talking to you!". You make yourself a social media outsider, an observer, a loner without your own identity. To gain from social media, you need to give. It´s in the word, from the Latin "allies" - you become part of an allied force that will communicate by giving - and taking.

I can assure you that I don´t repost most of the posts in my accounts, because either I disagree with them, or they are naff or they are of absolutely no interest to me. But when I repost something - it´s because it´s something that has resonated with me. Something that has drawn my interest, something that has made me laugh, got me curious or something that has helped me understand the world a bit better.
It´s by choice I do this - not because of group pressure. 
I post a lot of my photos and of course I don´t post the ones I don´t like or aren´t happy with. But I don´t meet up with my friends without having a shower and doing my hair very often either. It doesn´t make sense to say that it´s bad selecting the way we want to present ourselves online to me - it makes the same sense as choosing a specific top when we´re meeting someone.
I haven´t stopped seeing people because of my activity online. I´ve made more friends, made more connections, and met with more people I would ever have met, if I had been sitting at home, waiting for someone to knock on my door to ask if I wanted to have a coffee with them.
Being connected online is for me - as a foreigner abroad, as a small business owner, as a busy mum - a marvellous way to stay in touch and get connected. It doesn´t change the way I am - I´d like to see it as it verifies the way I am! Never has it been easier for people to express their inner feelings, taste and identity - we are free, our minds are liberated, our identities are stronger and we are NOT lonely!!

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Helen Reynolds Style Advice video

Helen Reynolds Style Advice
Marketing video 2013

Helen wanted a video for her website, for potential clients to understand a bit more about what she does, who she is and the way she works. It was such a pleasure to work with her and also very interesting.

For anyone interested in giving the right impression, a style adviser is the key to get it right. 

With a soft, guiding approach, Helen will improve your appearance and allow you to find new inspiration in your own wardrobe so you can create new outfits without having to throw everything you already have away.

Monday, 27 May 2013

William Orbit World - trailer

William Orbit World - Trailer
Loving William Orbit world - and a reminder of a most amazing show I photographed at Shunt, London, with Anna-Mi Fredriksson and Pauline Amos dancing and painting.

Monday, 13 May 2013

The one thing you need to succeed

Kevin Daum on the foundations of a successful business
(Photo by Mi Elfverson)

So what is the ONE thing we need to have, to succeed with our business. This is what we all ask ourselves as start up companies, entrepreneurs, mumpreneurs, dadpreneurs, anyone who´s running their own business.

Some people say "it´s passion!" you got to be passionate to drive your business forward. Some people say "you´ve got to work hard to succeed". And some may say "you´ve got to network".

Well, Kevin Daum just taught us the only true thing you´ve got to have if you really want your business to succeed. And it´s none of the above.

You need a good business model. If you don´t have your business model and structure in place, none of the above will help.

But the good thing is, that when you have your business model in place - all of the rest will come automatically. You will find the passion, enjoy working hard and go out networking and make your business a very successful one.

And on the way, it may help if you tattoo "New York Times Best seller" on your chest back to front, just as a little bit of an encouragement when you see yourself in the mirror every morning, for the rest of your life...

Great design should empower, amuse and delight!

Aral Balkan: Great design should empower, amuse and delight

TED Talk

I really like Aral Balkan, he´s just got it right. And he lives in Brighton, a hub for design and creative development. So I hope he can shape the future a bit for us, better than the ticket machine designers in Stockholm.

Design should be helpful and fun, not a struggle and frustrating.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

No-nonsense is the business

Kevin Daum - Speaker, marketer, Hit columnist, Bestselling author of 5 books...

So after almost a week with Kevin, I feel like I´ve been on some sort of a brain marathon. He can´t stop talking and I can´t stop listening - what a bloody good combination!

Much appreciated talk at The Quadrant in Brighton, ROAR, where 14 local businesses also couldn´t stop listening to this crazy no-nonsens American.

Not everyone was happy about having to take three minutes to prepare a pitch, but all were turned to appreciation, when Kevin guided us back to the right path and the perfect pitch.

We met with several people in the days to follow to talk through their business models and marketing strategies.

I now need to do something just hands-on rather than brains-on for a while.

And then I will return with some tips from the week.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

If you like good chocolate...

27 Western Road, Hove BN3
Shop, parties, workshops

Marketing video Spring 2013

This is a quick job I did for Holly at Chocoholly - she wanted to promote her workshops and guess if it was a fun shoot!!

Holly´s little chocolate boutique in Hove is an amazing hub of creativity and gourmet chocolate. She´s really knowledgeable and such a fun person. Book your hen party, children´s birthday party or just pop in for a hot chocolate (the real thing) or some gifts that anyone will love!

You can order online too:

Friday, 12 April 2013

Zoe Hazel - "Live Life"

Zoe Hazel - "Live Life" 
Music video produced by Mi Elfverson, True North Vision 2013

And off she goes out to the world - let´s hope she´s well received and embraced by the audience!
On a snowy day up the South Downs, this is what we achieved in a freezing winter afternoon, this young Brighton based artist with roots from Spain and me.
I loved doing this video - and despite playing it about a trillion times by now, I still love the song. Its simplicity and  melancholic words reflect a clever girl, ready to hit the big stage soon.
Make sure you listen with good headphones.
Thank you!

Ed Sheeran "Lego House" - the Lego Version...

Ed Sheeran "Lego House" (The Lego version...)

If you´re anything like me, or even if you´re not producing music video surrounded by a trillion Lego projects, this is just such a bloody brilliant video!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Man about town

Man About Town starring Kilian Martin | Autumn/Winter 2010

Life's a Beach - the Winter Sun Issue
Art Direction: Atelier Franck Durand

Monday, 8 April 2013

Gresham Blake knows what to do

"The Big-shot Billionaire" for Gresham Blake
Created by Interceptor Media, David Ellis and Create.

Gresham Blake has created a marketing video with simple means, using Mark Williams as the Billionaire.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Take longer

Deadlines, by Café Communications

Where did our time go? What did we really do to it?
We have more and more sophisticated communication systems, faster cars, better maps, clearer phone directories and home delivery of everything from toilet paper to contact lenses. But we work longer and longer hours, earning the same money, we have no time to wait anymore, we don´t have time to talk and we hardly have time to think. Where has it gone - all that time we´re supposed to have earned by simplifying things? Have we just kept generating time consuming matters rather than freeing time to deal with the valuable matters in life?

And despite all the fast moving information - the thought process takes the same amount of time it always has.
When we shipped a letter from A to B, we had more time to think about what to write, because the post man didn´t empty the box until 5pm. And only on weekdays. Now when we have such smart communication gadgets (too often they write words for us by themselves) that we can easily lose a client if we don´t respond to a request instantly. We don´t even have time to think if we can do the job. The jobs need to be done fast and furiously.

Give it some time. Time is a true measure of quality, so don´t disrespect a slower process. We treasure time in our heart and it´s our wish to have more time for everything. We should disrespect people who want things instantly or last minute, as we know it increases the risk of things going wrong or not reaching the same quality as with more time on our hands.

If we could bring back some time in our lives, to reflect, to get the creative process going, then perhaps we would feel more fortunate. Achieve more than less. Of higher quality, better value and also - have time for a coffee.

Why not slow down a bit and give people a bit more time. We´ll get there in a better way.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Side Effects / review

"Side Effects" A Steven Soderbergh film

Steven Soderbergh used to be one of my favourite directors - but I have lately wondered why and how. Sex, lies and video tapes, Traffic and Erin Brokovich - but then it kind of went all Oceans.

Now he´s back with Side Effects - a psychological thriller - possibly his last film they say. 

In short, the story is about a fragile woman (Rooney Mara), who´s not coping well with her husband´s return from prison. Her depression develops and bring in the psychiatrist (Jude Law) who is paid to promote a new antidepressant (thankfully not legal to do in the UK) and soon we have a catastrophe in our hands.

I like the film, but I don´t know if it´s Jude Law or the script that puts me off just a tad too much and I feel disappointed if this is Soderbergh´s last film. The script is entertaining as a whole, but it´s tied together with very thin credentials and it´s not helped by Jude´s over-emphatic doctor or the jungle of stop moments for beer branding and other product placement.

At one point, I felt extremely bored, completely at loss and had to ask my friend (a doctor) what the heck was going on. It turned out she was just as confused, but then suddenly it all changed and became crystal clear.
The whole end part is really thrilling, but unfortunately the dip in the middle is too long, and I was almost ready to leave the theatre before the turning point came.

Like in Traffic, Soderbergh (or Peter Andrews as he calls himself as a camera director - he shoots himself) works with different film looks to enhance emotions and scenes. The dramatic interior scenes in pushed colours and light give an almost claustrophobic look, whereas the crisp and clear atmosphere around Dr Barnes enhances the sanity. But I´m not sure I buy it, it just feels uneven and a bit in the face.

And why do they always have to have two actors who look exactly the same to confuse you?!

Catherine ZJ, who I find a bit bonkers and who lives in an little acting bubble of her own, filled the part pretty well, but Rooney Mara walks out with the trophy. She´s good, albeit a little bit too pretty and the camera over-adores her, but I guess, if you know the ending, it kind of makes sense. Oups - sorry :-)

It´s a good watch, but the ice-cream was delicious.

Saturday, 23 March 2013


Self. Liberty furniture on the run

Made in England. Reborn in England.

I guess you could say I woke up and had this crazy idea. We needed to film the gorgeous desk on the Downs. We had to have desaturated grass, grey skies and preferably some hills in the background.

So we carted up the desk and the chair and the lights and the camera equipment and they man and the suit and the ironed shirt and the polished shoes and then the snow started falling, but not those beautiful big soft Christmas fairy-flakes, those wet cold-to-the-spine kind of flakes that just make you grumpy.

We got this little piece anyway and I kind of like it.

This is a beautifully crafted mid-century retro desk that has been refurbished with a mirrored laquer finish and are on sale at Liberty in London and through

Harlem Shake by Somerhill Jr

Somerhill Junior School in Hove, UK, does the Harlem Shake 
For Comic Relief, Red Nose Day 2013

There I was, strapped up in a harness 23 metres above the ground, shivering cold and grey skies. 
Below was 300 screaming kids, doing the Harlem Shake to blasting loud speakers. The kids raised over £3,000 this year and the clip was shown both on the BBC new South East and the big Comic relief event on national TV later that night.

Introducing The Popettes

Introducing The Popettes - press clip for Popagami
This little clip was produced as a press release for the company Popagami. We´re currently looking at a second video for a different part of the Popette family.

These gorgeous little critters can be purchased through an origami book through Amazon or at Waterstones etc and make a perfect gift, bumper entertainment or school activity for kids.

Body cast - time-lapse verision

The Tasha Marley Project - Time-lapse version

I was commissioned to document the process of a full body-cast of Tasha Marley at Brighton Body Casting. 

An amazing day followed with a very brave and patient girl, luckily fit and strong too.

I set up one camera to do a time-lapse version, while I was working with the longer video on another camera.

This is the quick Time-lapse movie of the project, longer version to come.

Contains certain nudity - but it´s ART!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Tear jerker

Pfizer - More than medication

This is a real tear jerker for a medical company, but I thought I´d post it as I kind of like the style.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Det är inte målet...

"Det är inte målet..." (It´s not the destination)
Short film featuring Kajsa Jernetz, Winter 2013

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Test shoot at Euston Station

Nikon D800 test shoot around Euston Station in London with Calumet, Drummond Street

Lotto - keep the dream alive

Swedish commercial by Mekano Film and /TV, by Axel Laubscher

This was one of the most fun commercials I´ve ever worked on.
The whole team got packed into a bus together with a bunch of extras, then we drove from Stockholm to Barcelona via all the most beautiful places on the way through Europe - The Alps, Camargue, Perpignan... 
We all had to feature in the film - so look out for me in the white T-shirt :-)

Somerhill does the Harlem Shake

Red Nose Runway at All Saints Church in Hove, UK
Somerhill Junior Kids do the Harlem Shake in Red Mutha outfits.

Unfortunately I was set up to do still photos when this all kicked off, so only managed to film the end of it - but it was great fun and you can imagine the church was rocking....

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Bodyform Responds

Bodyform Responds

This isn´t new, but it popped up today for unknown reasons...
and I like it because it´s such a wicked approach by such a large company. Dare to do something differently to reach your audience.
Video by Carat.

Published on Oct 16, 2012
Hi Richard. We loved your post on our Facebook page. ( We are always grateful for input from our users, but your comment was particularly poignant. If Facebook had a "love" button, we'd have clicked it. But it doesn't. So we've made you a video instead. Unfortunately Bodyform doesn't have a CEO. But if it did she'd be called Caroline Williams. And she'd say this.

Do let us know if we can help you further...

The Bodyform Team

Fart consultant: Mike Koenig

To see the original Mashable article click here -

Richard Neill to Bodyform 8 October at 21:30 via Mobile
Hi , as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . As a child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things ,I felt a little jealous. I mean bike riding , rollercoasters, dancing, parachuting, why couldn't I get to enjoy this time of joy and 'blue water' and wings !! Dam my penis!! Then I got a girlfriend, was so happy and couldn't wait for this joyous adventurous time of the month to happen lied !! There was no joy , no extreme sports , no blue water spilling over wings and no rocking soundtrack oh no no no. Instead I had to fight against every male urge I had to resist screaming wooaaahhhhh bodddyyyyyyfooorrrmmm bodyformed for youuuuuuu as my lady changed from the loving , gentle, normal skin coloured lady to the little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head spin. Thanks for setting me up for a fall bodyform , you crafty bugger

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

La Linea - simple brilliance!

La Linea (Linus på linjen!)

Today I´m prepping for some animated films for a couple of clients - it´s a new and a very old world. Although it´s in a way the original way of making film, the creative possibilities of today are enormous.

My favourite childhood animated cartoon by Osvaldo Cavandoli is La Linea. So simple, yet hilarious.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Useful modernised retro

Modernised Retro

So let´s see - how can we use the 1,348 little MiniDV cases that are filling up the drawers? Aha - at least one put to modern use!

Thank you Flubit for the idea!

Friday, 25 January 2013

Just for fun


Why your business should have a video

Dawn Banks Gardening Design
Happy video owner :-)

Today I met up with Dawn Banks and she told me this little story, which is what I like to hear:

Coming back from their Christmas holiday, someone told her husband that they really liked Dawn's video. He didn't understand what they were talking about, as the video wasn't even up on the website yet. But their friends had come across it on Youtube.

They said they loved the video and thought it was great fun (we used humour to convey Dawn's message, and it worked really well as a structure for her company).

So, by now having a video on her website attached to Youtube, she has enhanced her web conversion potential a lot. She can spread her video through all social media and also use it as a marketing video to send out to new clients through E-mail. With every click she gets, the more potential clients.

The end of the story is happy for me too: her husband's company now also wants a video!

Monday, 21 January 2013

Berlitz video

Berlitz - Language for life

I really like this ad - it shows you can get through to a large audience in such a simple way. You just need to be clever when scripting it!

Very simply made - very funny. Simply. It´s fun.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

La Belle

All systems up and running with the new video at La Belle Beauty Salon in Worthing!

Sonia Martin, owner, and TNV Producer Mi Elfverson.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Oh humanity! Guilty as charged.

Brilliant animation created in Flash and After Effects by Steve Cutts, looking at mans relationship with the natural world.