"Side Effects" A Steven Soderbergh film
Steven Soderbergh used to be one of my favourite directors - but I have lately wondered why and how. Sex, lies and video tapes, Traffic and Erin Brokovich - but then it kind of went all Oceans.
Now he´s back with Side Effects - a psychological thriller - possibly his last film they say.
In short, the story is about a fragile woman (Rooney Mara), who´s not coping well with her husband´s return from prison. Her depression develops and bring in the psychiatrist (Jude Law) who is paid to promote a new antidepressant (thankfully not legal to do in the UK) and soon we have a catastrophe in our hands.
I like the film, but I don´t know if it´s Jude Law or the script that puts me off just a tad too much and I feel disappointed if this is Soderbergh´s last film. The script is entertaining as a whole, but it´s tied together with very thin credentials and it´s not helped by Jude´s over-emphatic doctor or the jungle of stop moments for beer branding and other product placement.
At one point, I felt extremely bored, completely at loss and had to ask my friend (a doctor) what the heck was going on. It turned out she was just as confused, but then suddenly it all changed and became crystal clear.
The whole end part is really thrilling, but unfortunately the dip in the middle is too long, and I was almost ready to leave the theatre before the turning point came.
Like in Traffic, Soderbergh (or Peter Andrews as he calls himself as a camera director - he shoots himself) works with different film looks to enhance emotions and scenes. The dramatic interior scenes in pushed colours and light give an almost claustrophobic look, whereas the crisp and clear atmosphere around Dr Barnes enhances the sanity. But I´m not sure I buy it, it just feels uneven and a bit in the face.
And why do they always have to have two actors who look exactly the same to confuse you?!
Catherine ZJ, who I find a bit bonkers and who lives in an little acting bubble of her own, filled the part pretty well, but Rooney Mara walks out with the trophy. She´s good, albeit a little bit too pretty and the camera over-adores her, but I guess, if you know the ending, it kind of makes sense. Oups - sorry :-)
It´s a good watch, but the ice-cream was delicious.
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