"Side Effects" A Steven Soderbergh film Steven Soderbergh used to be one of my favourite directors - but I have lately wondered why and how. Sex, lies and video tapes, Traffic and Erin Brokovich - but then it kind of went all Oceans. Now he´s back with Side Effects - a psychological thriller - possibly his last film they say. In short, the story is about a fragile woman (Rooney Mara), who´s not coping well with her husband´s return from prison. Her depression develops and bring in the psychiatrist (Jude Law) who is paid to promote a new antidepressant (thankfully not legal to do in the UK) and soon we have a catastrophe in our hands. I like the film, but I don´t know if it´s Jude Law or the script that puts me off just a tad too much and I feel disappointed if this is Soderbergh´s last film. The script is entertaining as a whole, but it´s tied together with very thin credentials and it´s not helped by Jude´s over-emphatic doctor or the jungle of stop moments for beer branding and other product placement.
At one point, I felt extremely bored, completely at loss and had to ask my friend (a doctor) what the heck was going on. It turned out she was just as confused, but then suddenly it all changed and became crystal clear. The whole end part is really thrilling, but unfortunately the dip in the middle is too long, and I was almost ready to leave the theatre before the turning point came.
Like in Traffic, Soderbergh (or Peter Andrews as he calls himself as a camera director - he shoots himself) works with different film looks to enhance emotions and scenes. The dramatic interior scenes in pushed colours and light give an almost claustrophobic look, whereas the crisp and clear atmosphere around Dr Barnes enhances the sanity. But I´m not sure I buy it, it just feels uneven and a bit in the face. And why do they always have to have two actors who look exactly the same to confuse you?! Catherine ZJ, who I find a bit bonkers and who lives in an little acting bubble of her own, filled the part pretty well, but Rooney Mara walks out with the trophy. She´s good, albeit a little bit too pretty and the camera over-adores her, but I guess, if you know the ending, it kind of makes sense. Oups - sorry :-)
It´s a good watch, but the ice-cream was delicious.
Self. Liberty furniture on the run Made in England. Reborn in England. I guess you could say I woke up and had this crazy idea. We needed to film the gorgeous desk on the Downs. We had to have desaturated grass, grey skies and preferably some hills in the background. So we carted up the desk and the chair and the lights and the camera equipment and they man and the suit and the ironed shirt and the polished shoes and then the snow started falling, but not those beautiful big soft Christmas fairy-flakes, those wet cold-to-the-spine kind of flakes that just make you grumpy. We got this little piece anyway and I kind of like it. This is a beautifully crafted mid-century retro desk that has been refurbished with a mirrored laquer finish and are on sale at Liberty in London and through www.selfstyle.com
Somerhill Junior School in Hove, UK, does the Harlem Shake For Comic Relief, Red Nose Day 2013 There I was, strapped up in a harness 23 metres above the ground, shivering cold and grey skies. Below was 300 screaming kids, doing the Harlem Shake to blasting loud speakers. The kids raised over £3,000 this year and the clip was shown both on the BBC new South East and the big Comic relief event on national TV later that night.
Introducing The Popettes - press clip for Popagami
This little clip was produced as a press release for the company Popagami. We´re currently looking at a second video for a different part of the Popette family. These gorgeous little critters can be purchased through an origami book through Amazon or at Waterstones etc and make a perfect gift, bumper entertainment or school activity for kids. www.popagami.com
I was commissioned to document the process of a full body-cast of Tasha Marley at Brighton Body Casting. An amazing day followed with a very brave and patient girl, luckily fit and strong too. I set up one camera to do a time-lapse version, while I was working with the longer video on another camera. This is the quick Time-lapse movie of the project, longer version to come. Contains certain nudity - but it´s ART! www.brightonbodycasting.com
Swedish commercial by Mekano Film and /TV, by Axel Laubscher This was one of the most fun commercials I´ve ever worked on. The whole team got packed into a bus together with a bunch of extras, then we drove from Stockholm to Barcelona via all the most beautiful places on the way through Europe - The Alps, Camargue, Perpignan... We all had to feature in the film - so look out for me in the white T-shirt :-)
Red Nose Runway at All Saints Church in Hove, UK Somerhill Junior Kids do the Harlem Shake in Red Mutha outfits. Unfortunately I was set up to do still photos when this all kicked off, so only managed to film the end of it - but it was great fun and you can imagine the church was rocking....